Unity Radiant Light

Unity Healing Prayer Meditation

Unity Healing Prayer Mediation

Unity was founded in the late 1800s when co-founder Myrtle Fillmore was told by her doctor at the age of 40 that she had 2-3 months to live. She had struggled with tuberculosis her entire life and now was in the end-stage of the disease. She and her husband Charles Fillmore attended a healing seminar by Dr. E. B. Weeks and it was there that she had a revelation about healing, one that has healed millions of people with all types of illnesses over the last 130 years. She realized that in order to heal her body from disease, she needed to first see herself as God sees her - a perfect child of God. 

Every person is a perfect child of God - God does not create junk, but sometimes when we are in crisis, we forget that. It doesn’t matter how old we are, how young we are, what our illness is, or any mistakes that we may have made. There is no problem that is too big for God.

And I invite you to join me today in starting with the Unity Grace Prayer and then we will go into meditation for healing. You may close your eyes and sit in a comfortable position.

The Unity Grace Prayer:

For thee I thirst. 

Into thy hands, I commit my spirit

(my soul, my body, my life, this problem, all unforgiven states). 

Thy will is my will. 

Thy will be done through me. 

Heal me at depth. 

Reveal that which needs to be revealed. 

Heal that which needs to be healed 

so I can glorify You, God, 

and live in the fullness of grace. 

It is finished.

And we can begin by saying the affirmation that Myrtle Fillmore said in her healing: “As a perfect child of God, I did not inherit illness.”

As a perfect child of God, I did not inherit illness.

As a perfect child of God, I did not inherit illness.

I affirm that I am perfect health. Every cell in my body radiates perfect health and wholeness. I am healthy.

And just take a few moments now to let the impact of the statements you made envelope your body, every part of you. We know without a doubt that these statements are true.

The Fillmores believed it and they followed it and Myrtle’s husband, at the age of 94, affirmed, “I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and I spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that need to be done by me.”

We are now going to positively affirm our health, and as I make these statements feel it in every cell of your body. Feel the words vibrate and radiate life to each of your cells.

Every cell in my body vibrates and radiates with God’s life.

My body is the temple of the living God - pure, perfect, whole, and filled with the harmony of divine order.

I let God’s perfect healing take full possession of my mind and body.

The miracles of healing that Jesus performed among his followers remain possible by faith - faith on the part of the healer, but mainly, faith on the part of those that were healed.

The great physician responded to those who expressed their gratitude for healing with the words, “Your faith has made you well.”

Right now, my faith is making me well. 

Right now, my faith is making me well. 

Right now, my faith is making me well.

With God, all things are possible. In spite of appearances, there is only perfect God-life for me, in me, flowing through me as radiant strength, revitalizing life, and perfect harmony.

My life processes are perpetuating the vision of youth in my perception, in my mind, and body. Every atom and every cell is renewed. Old ideas - any idea of age - is eliminated from my mind and is erased from my body.

My life processes are stamped by the renewing, youth-giving idea and I am eternally young and vigorous in God.

I am ever-renewing, the ever-unfolding of the child of God I am.

My eyes, my ears, and all my faculties are quickened and renewed through the youthful life processes working in and regenerating throughout my whole being.

Every cell in my body is working and radiating perfection, working in perfect divine order. 

My lungs are strong and healthy and clear. 

My cells are radiating beautiful life. 

My heart, including my Heart-Mind, is working perfectly. 

Every cell, organ, and every part of me, is working together to create perfect health at all times. 

I am now young, strong, and healthy. My body knows it. My body shows it. 

I feel totally alive. 

I am young because I am perpetually being renewed. 

My life comes new every moment from the infinite source of life, my dear God. 

I am new every morning and fresh every morning because I live, move, and have my being in God who is the source of all life. 

I am constantly renewed, constantly refreshed by God. 

Through God inspiring and literally living in my brain, my brain cells are rejuvenated, my heart cells are rejuvenated. 

My brain and Heart-Mind are quick, keen, alert and intelligent. 

My brain constantly creates the youth pattern instead of the pattern of aging. 

My body is strong and buoyant. 

I sit, stand, walk, and even run with perfect mobility. 

God-Life has perfect expression in my circulation, in my veins and arteries. 

I am always filled with ever-increasing vigor. 

I am rested and relaxed and recharged. 

I have an endless reservoir of strength directly from God in mind and body. 

I feel young. I act young and look young for I am truly perfect, healing made manifest every moment of every day. 

I feel stronger and stronger, more alert, and more intelligent with the creative source inspired ideas. 

I have God-given life to press forward to the goal of becoming the full temple of the living God filled to the brim with the perfection of pure regenerated aliveness. 

And as I sit here, I feel these ideas and believe them, know that this ever-present divine love around me, as me, with me, is in the Oneness, healing all those around me who need it, healing all those who have needs. 

Our faith makes us whole and we are so grateful to Jesus our way-shower for giving us this perfect blueprint of a life filled with health and wholeness, divine love radiating in and as us. We are here to express God in the human forms we take on and we have the choice to do this from a place of wholeness. 

We are so grateful for all those from Myrtle Fillmore, Charles Fillmore, Jesus our way-shower, and all those who came before us to teach us this blueprint of health and perfect living. 

And so it is. 


World Awakening Meditation

World Awakening Meditation

I invite you to join me today in this meditation to help raise the vibration of mass consciousness.

And to do this we first have to understand what mass consciousness is and it’s when enough of the collective on our planet comes together in a thought that we feel it profoundly - effecting and impacting all humanity.

As light bears, light workers, or whatever you may call yourself, we understand that when enough people join in mass consciousness, and join in the light, that the entire vibration on the planet will rise and our experiences will be much better.

And that’s so important, especially now, because we’re counting on many different realities. But there’s no fear about that because we know that the light is much stronger than the darkness.

So at this point on our planet about 3% of the population are awake, which means we remember who we are, the divinity in each one of us, magnificence. In order to fully move into the light on the planet we don’t need 51% of the people to be awake, we simply need 10%. That’s how strong the light is.

So as we meditate and we’re holding the space for this mass consciousness to rise up into the light to remember who they are - to be fully awake to their divinity - we just need 7% more.

So I’m inviting you to join me today in a meditation to help raise the mass consciousness of the planet.

And as we’re transforming each experience into a greater vibration of light by either appreciating what we have or asking for the improvement of this planet, we’re having a profound impact on the collective experience of all. And what I mean by this is we’re simply going to be improving our own experiences, but at the same time, we’re improving the experiences of the collective of all of us.

So one way for us to experience this is to go into meditation knowing that there are many others on the planet that are there with us - we may not see them in the physical, but they are meditating and praying.

As in all dimensions of light, we have beings that are praying with us at this point, and knowing that the more we are radiating this energy outward into the world, the better not only our reality becomes, but the reality of all becomes.

If you would like to experience this, and help the collective on the planet, please join me in this meditation:

And I just invite you to begin my breathing in deeply, and releasing.

Breathing in deeply, and releasing.

And as we do that, we feel our energy shifting from our intellectual center in our brain to our heart-mind.

And while we do this, we may feel a warmth in your heart area, you may feel an expansion, and this is all appropriate. You will open your heart center as much as you are prepared to, as much as you are ready for, because it’s from this heart, from love, that the healing comes.

And as you feel that heart expansion, I just invite you to imagine a golden warm light expanding, not just in your heart center, but throughout your body and into the room that you’re sitting in and beyond.

And as you do this, you may feel a presence around you - the presence of your angels and your guides, the presence of other beings of light, the presence of all those who are praying and meditating with you right now on this planet. And we say right now and very present because we know that the dimension that we’re holding this in is not in linear time - so it’s always right now.

So just imagine coming from above a pearl, a golden pearlescent light.

It’s beginning and starting with your crown chakra and moving down into your body.

It’s filling your entire body. Every cell in your body is being filled with this light.

It’s expanding into your aura and into the seven light bodies that we have, through our emotional center, through our astral self, every aspect that we have. That light is just growing and expanding.

You may feel parts of your body tingle from it. And we just allow it to flow through us.

And as we do we understand that that light energy is also coming up from the earth from Gaia and into our feet and the energy is going back into Gaia. We are giving and receiving and as it comes down through our crown chakra, we are sending it back out - giving and receiving.

As above, so below.

And as it expands, we feel it filling the room around us, filling the building that we’re in. If we’re outside, it’s going beyond us into nature. Walls mean nothing with this as this light expands from wherever you are - it fills that area and we can feel it expanding into the world and around the planet.

As we move into the silence, we let that expansion occur and we hold it with intent - that this is the light healing the world.

~ * * * * ~

I just invite you to come back into your space with full awareness, not cutting off those energies because they stay there and they are healing.

We invite you to start your day with this or before you go to sleep. And every time you do, know that you are raising the vibrational frequencies on this planet when this will transform our world into heaven on earth.

Thank you Dear One for this energy that you share so freely.

Together as light workers, we understand that we are the light of the world. And as we do this, we freely share our energy and our love with the planet - all those beautiful souls. And we will see transformation sooner rather than later on Gaia and for this we are so grateful.

So grateful to awaken to the energies, to the abilities, to the magnificence of what was meant when it was said in the scriptures that we are created in the image and likeness of God. As children, or sparks, or expressions of God - however you identify with these writings. We are just beginning to understand what that truly means.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for assisting Gaia and I look forward to looking with you on many, many more meditations.

And so it is.

Perfection is Not the Criteria

Perfection is Not the Criteria

I’ve been a pastor for over eight years and during that time I have had many people come to see me to discuss problems they are having in their lives. The issues often return to the same theme. They feel like a failure because they are not perfect, or they are afraid of being seen by others as less than perfect. No matter how you look at any situation, it’s a lot of pressure to put on a person. So, I decided to explore this theme of perfectionism at last Sunday’s service and was surprised at what I found.

I started by researching the word perfect in my favorite textbook, the Bible. The Gospel of Matthew 5:48 immediately came up, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” What?!? This stopped me in my tracks. Had Jesus really said to only accept perfection in myself? I knew that I had three choices other than taking it literally as it was written.

The first thing I could do, and the easiest, would be to pick another verse about perfection that would fit in better with my talk. Another option was to go straight to the metaphysical interpretation of it, leaving the literal behind. Or I could let the research lead me where it would, allowing the talk to develop from what I learned instead of from what I wanted. I decided to the let the research lead me on this journey and it proved to be fascinating.

I began by thinking about how the writer might have written this during Jesus’ time. We’re not sure who the author of Matthew was, or who any of the writers of any of the Gospels are, but we do know they were originally written in Greek. Like any good Bible Nerd, I did some research on the passage and found a lot of information. (Yes, I Googled it.) First and foremost, I found out that the Greek word for perfect in the New Testament is teleios and that it has a different meaning than what we give it in the English language. The word in Greek means ‘complete.’ After digging a little deeper about where the author from the Gospel of Mark would have gotten the word, I found it in the Hebrew language. The word for perfect in Hebrew would have been tannin, which means ‘whole, sound, mature, helpful and having integrity.’

At that point I looked at the original scripture again, “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect,” and knew that this talk was going to come out with the same premise I had originally intended, but get there in a very different way. With my new information, the meaning of the verse changed from “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” to read, “Be whole, complete, and mature in integrity in your love of others.”

That is very different from instructing us to be perfect. Instead we are to focus on our wholeness and love for others. I think Jesus would have taken it a step further to say to accept, even love, the imperfections in ourselves. Because the Truth is there is only love and wholeness anyway.

What dreams have you not fulfilled because you felt there were less than perfect conditions? Or what negative tapes are playing in your head about yourself that have held you back? It’s time to let them go and embrace what you may see as imperfection. Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back from accomplishing your dreams, or damage your relationships, or destroy your happiness. You deserve so much more. You deserve prosperity, health, joy, peace, and love.

For this week, let’s shake off those negative thoughts and shine your light brilliantly! It’s what you're made to do.

Please join us next Sunday at Unity Radiant Light at 10:30AM to explore “Just Say Yes and Do It” with Cherie Ruffo, Spiritual Leader. Unity Radiant Light is at 155 Douglas Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. You can find more information about Unity Radiant Light at www.unityradiantlight.org, Facebook or meetup.com.


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Cherie Ruffo is and has been the co-founder and Spiritual Leader at Unity Radiant Light for over eight years. She is also a freelance writer, entrepreneur, and the author of the middle grade fantasy series, The Source Crystals.

Cherie has a Bachelor’s Degree from Old Dominion University and is currently pursuing her Master’s in Divinity at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. She lives in Norwich, CT with her husband, Daniel, and their three crazy dogs.